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martes, 2 de junio de 2015


Rash: Sarpullido
Itchy: piicor
breahe: respirar
injections: inyecciones
pills: pastillas
Soar throat: dolor de garganta
cough: tos
Headache: dolor de cabeza
swollen: hinchado
allergy: alergia
jogging: correr

Let sleeping dogs lie: let things happend
Don´t count the chickens before the eggs have hatched: Don´t clebrate somethng before it happens
To let  the cat out of the bag: To say something you shouldn´t
Elvs has left the building: Everything has finished
Dont cry over spilt milk: Don´t cry because of things that has happend a lot of time before
Take it with a grane of salt: Do it with happyness
That´s the best thing since slice bread: It is great
It coasted an arm and a leg: It was so difficult
To sit on the fence: Not to decide