Goods: Things that someone has in his ownership.
Services: work performed for remuneration
Production: Everything that a person or country produces.
Distribution: Places where production arrives.
Marketing: the provision of goods or services to meet customer or consumer needs
Consumption: the act of consuming or the state of being consumed, esp by eating, burning, etc
Demand: to request peremptorily or urgently
Inflation: the desire to own something in the market and the willingness to pay for it
Profit: the monetary gain of a business after all expenses have been met
Tax: An account of money people pay that is destinated for the state.
Raw material: Materials that are taken directly from the natur
employer: Person who works in some business.
Self-employed: That you make your own resources.
Active population: People who is in age and conditions of working.
Inactive population: People under 16 years old, or old people, who are not appropiated to work. Also people with problems.
Disabled: People with problems to work.
Retired: People above 65 years old who have finished their laboral live.
Full-time contracts: A contract that is for an indefinite time.
Part-time contracts: A contract that is for an specific time.
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